前一篇 爸爸是第一個老闆 ─ 父子模式是職場勝出關鍵 討論父親對子女職場影響,而今天正好是我老爸農曆生日(九月初一),也來談談父親對我的影響。
On the eve of my departue from this club and termination of duty as Secretary and Manager, I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and commend you for the exceptional job you have done during the past thirteen months as the Club Accountant. The "backbone" of any business is the accountant.
During this period, we have had three audits and not one comment for corrective action or recommendation has been made for improvement on your systems. For a business of this nature and this size, I find that quite commendable.
Your knowledge of accounting, willingness to work long arduous hours, and by nature a perfectionist, has aided considerably to the accomplishment of our duties and responsibilities. This business is expanding, improving and always in the process of renovation, which makes your job considerably more difficult than normally would be the case.
I have particularily been impressed with your cheerful personality, regardless of how difficult and hard the work-load might get.
I wish you the greatest success in the future and would welcome the opportunity to work with you again.
30 April 1961
【緊急筆記】svg path
https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths A rx ry
x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y a rx ry x-axis-rotation
large-arc-flag s...
3 天前