2024年1月13日 星期六




國民黨  KuoMinTang (KMT)
民進黨  Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
民眾黨  Taiwan People's Party (TPP)

兩位醫生,一位警察  two doctors, one police officer
台大法律系  National Taiwan University's College of Law

無黨籍總統参選人  independent presidential candidate 
郭台銘  Terry Gou
富士康創辦人 Foxconn founder
面對中國官方稽查  face inspection by Chinese authorities 
中國介選大動作  significant moves by China to interfere in the election 

中美對抗  China-US conflict
烏俄戰爭  Russo-Ukrainian War
以巴戰爭  Israeli-Palestinian conflict 

中華民國在台灣  the Republic of China in Taiwan 
台獨  pro-Taiwan independence 
一中  One China 
各表  respective interpretations
92共識  1992 Consensus 
反共不反中  an anti-communism, but not anti-China

三脚督  three-way race
下架民進黨  removing the DPP from power
下架國民黨  down with the KMT
藍白合  Blue-White Alliance
藍綠惡鬥  political rivalry between the blue and green
挖牆角  undermining opponents 
合縱連橫  forging alliances
棄保  forcing people to vote strategically 
彎道超車  overtaking the curve
超車  overtook 
對抗  defeat
團結  unite
送秋波  playing nice with each other
針鋒相對  engaging in a war of words

行政院副院長  deputy premier
立法委員  legislator
國是會議  convene a National Congress

民調  poll conducted 
九合一選舉  Nine-in-One local elections
二十二縣市  22 counties and cities 
上任  taking office
下台  stepping down 

兩岸  cross-strait relations
國防  national defense
內政  internal 
外政  external 
外交  diplomacy
外交政策  foreign policy

陸軍  army of netizens
空軍  air force
飛彈  missile
衛星  satellite
防空警報  air defence alert
共機擾台  harassment of Taiwan by Chinese military aircraft
增加國防預算  increasing the defense budget 
any unilateral change in the status quo across the Taiwan Strait would be unacceptable 
3D strategy, deterrence, dialogue, and decreasing risk

進口雞蛋事件  imported egg controversy 
和平政黨輪替  peaceful transition of power
太陽花學運  the Sunflower Student Movement
一例一休  one fixed day off and one flexible rest day
護國神山  the guardian of Taiwan

缺蛋,疫苗  shortage of eggs and vaccines
補貼  subsidies
碳足跡  carbon footprint 
碳稅  carbon taxes
文官  civil officials 
撒幣  offering money
carbon, energy, RCEP, ECFA, national security, and financial issue
經濟衰退 出口下滑 民生凋敝 民不聊生
economic decline, declining exports,suffering citizens and hard times

非核家園  nuclear-free homeland policy
台電  Taiwan Power Company 
髒電  non-renewable sources 
買綠電而財務虧損  financial losses from green energy purchases
離岸風電  offshore wind energy

300萬年輕選票  three million young voters
marriage, childbirth, childbearing, generational poverty, low wages among the youth, and housing justice
蓋社宅  constructing public  housing 

現在有什麼樣的工作  What kinds of jobs are available now?
未來會需要什麼工作  What jobs will be needed in the future?

最後今天要記得去投票。近日國防部發出錯誤英文警報簡訊,想起從 Funday 學到一些選舉英文字彙跟大家分享。

