先前介紹的 e等公務園,適合高中以上英文程度,如果你的程度不好,想從基礎打起,線上英語教室應該是不錯的網站,光免費的試用教材就可以讓你學很多。
There are many websites providing on-line class for learning English or Japanese even other languages.
Here is the one I feel it is good to share with RD people.
http://www.linguist.com.tw/ENGClass/default.htm for English.
http://www.linguist.com.tw/JAPClass/ for Japanese.
It provides first paragraph in each chapters free, but you need to join the membership (NT$3,000/year, $2,000 for 2nd year or NT$6,000 for 3 years) in order to be able to receive entire course from the on-line class.
I would recommend that they can use this website at home and take the course whenever they are available.
There is another reason to do this. Because they may not be able to get the audio down loaded through company's firewall protection.
I am taking the Japnaese class at home and I felt it is good for me.
Please note that you might be caught if trying to share one membership among few persons. I would not recommend to do so.
Hope it is helpful for RD people to get their English ability improved quickly and cost effectively.
專題教學🌫️ 你每天呼吸的空氣乾淨嗎?用 Arduino 感測空汙狀態
近期,環境部於 11 月 21 日公告修正空氣污染防制區域劃分,將新北市、台中市、彰化縣、南投縣及嘉義市等五縣 [...]
〈專題教學🌫️ 你每天呼吸的空氣乾淨嗎?用 Arduino 感測空汙狀態〉這篇文章最早發佈於《CAVEDU教育團隊技術部落格》。
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